The Federation of NY Housing Co-ops and Condos is presenting an important informative seminar on Tuesday, October 2nd, 2007 at the Atria Conference Center, 220-33 Northern Boulevard, Bayside from 8AM to 11AM, (Free Parking), regarding the Heating System and energy requirements of your building and the use of Green Seal Certified cleaning products.
Panelists include Jerry Ragano and Tom Torre of Metro Fuel and Frank Cruz and Jonathan Wels of DEC GREEN. Metro Fuel is one of the larger metropolitan fuel suppliers that owns and operates their own terminal and fleet of trucks. Metro has introduced Bio Heat (a soy bean based product) to help GREEN New York City properties. ( Frank Cruz and Jonathan Wels of DEC GREEN provide Green Seal-Certified products that are environmentally safe. These products will convert your building to GREEN without increasing costs to your building. ( Albert Pennisi, President of FNYHC will moderate.
Since Boards are constantly having to conform to new regulations, we are pleased to bring this necessary information to the Co-op and Condo community,” states Mr. Carlson. This seminar will provide the ways and means to accomplish these goals.
A full breakfast will be served.
Please call for reservations 718-423-4438.