New York State Department of Environment Conservation Denies Water Quality Certificate Required for Constitution...
Officials from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation announced the denial of the Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification for the proposed Constitution Pipeline. Although DEC has granted certificates for other projects, the application by Constitution for these certificates fails to meet New York State's water quality standards. The full decision is outlined in a letter (PDF, 819 KB) by John Ferguson, Chief Permit Administrator with DEC's Division of Environmental Permits and Pollution Prevention.
Congressman Meeks Reacts to Flood Insurance Rate-Setting Report
Congressman Gregory W. Meeks, a Senior Member of the House Financial Services Committee, issued a statement today in response to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report on FEMA flood insurance rates that was released last week. In 2014, Congressman Meeks and several members of the committee requested that the GAO conduct a study of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) rate-setting methods under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to ensure that flood insurance rates are consistent with actual flood risk.
NY Security Officers’ Contract Expiration Rally
32BJ security officers protect some of the city’s most iconic sites, including the 9/11 Memorial, The New York Public Library, Time Warner Center and hundreds of other office, university and infrastructure buildings across the city. As their contract expiration looms, the potential of security strikes in the city rises.
U.S. Senators Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) and Maria Cantwell (D-WA) were today joined by local housing builders and advocates to urge Congress to expand the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC). Schumer and Cantwell pushed a national campaign, led by Cantwell, to increase federal resources for affordable housing. Schumer and Cantwell are calling for a 50 percent expansion of the LIHTC, and reforms to better target the lowest income populations. Since its creation 30 years ago, this tax credit has financed nearly 3 million homes across the United States, several thousand in New York City alone.
The Old RCA Victor Dog Nipper Is Still Sitting On The Roof of The Former RCA Building In Albany; Senator Says The Statue Has Become a Regional Icon, And Represents A Part Of Albany History: New Development Plan Would Transform Nipper Building Into a Vibrant Downtown Residential and Commercial Space
GSA Awards $114M Energy Savings Performance Contract for New York Federal Buildings
The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), Northeast and Caribbean Region, announced the award of a $114 million Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) to Trane U.S. Inc. The goal of an ESPC is for federal agencies to partner with an energy service company to implement various energy conservation measures at 10 federal buildings in Manhattan, Brooklyn, and White Plains, New York. The effort will include major mechanical replacements to provide for more efficient operations and result in significant energy savings and will also drive economic development throughout the State of New York
New York Department of State to Hold Meeting of Real Estate Board On...
The New York Department of State will hold a public hearing and meeting on Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 10:30 a.m., regarding the profession of real estate salespersons and brokers. The meeting will take place at the following office locations: 99 Washington Avenue, Albany; 276 Waring Road, Rochester; and 123 William Street, New York City. The public has the right to attend the meeting at any of these locations.
Governor Cuomo Announces Construction Underway on $22 Million Affordable and Supportive Housing Project in...
overnor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the start of construction on a $22.3 million affordable and supportive housing development for low-income and formerly homeless individuals. The project involves the renovation of the former Wilbur, Campbell, & Stephens Co. Factory built in 1899 along the Hudson River in Troy. Since 2011, the state has invested more than $20 million in housing and community revitalization developments in Troy that have created more than 350 units and driven $79 million in additional public and private investment in the city.
U.S. Senators Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) and Maria Cantwell (D-WA) were today joined by local housing builders and advocates to urge Congress to expand the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC). Schumer and Cantwell pushed a national campaign, led by Cantwell, to increase federal resources for affordable housing. Schumer and Cantwell are calling for a 50 percent expansion of the LIHTC, and reforms to better target the lowest income populations. Since its creation 30 years ago, this tax credit has financed nearly 3 million homes across the United States, several thousand in New York City alone.
Brewer, Manhattan Borough Board call on City to erect zero net-energy building in Manhattan,...
At a meeting led by Manhattan Borough President Gale A. Brewer, the Manhattan Borough Board adopted a resolution endorsing ‘passive house’ building standards for ultra-energy efficient buildings and called for the city to undertake construction of a public project in Manhattan that complies with passive house standards
Governor Cuomo Announces $150 Million Available For Renewable Energy Projects
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced $150 million in funding to support large-scale renewable energy projects across the state. This funding will facilitate public-private partnerships to advance the Governor’s Reforming the Energy Vision strategy and ensure the state meets its goal of generating 50 percent of its electricity from carbon-free renewable energy projects by 2030.
17 percent growth in New York State home sales fuels strongest first quarter in...
Three consecutive months of sales growth fueled the best start to the New York State housing market since 2007. According to the housing market report released today by the New York State Association of REALTORS, the 23,932 closed sales in the first quarter represents a jump of nearly 17 percent from the 2015 first quarter. Additionally, the statewide median sales price grew by nearly 1 percent compared to a year ago
Across Upstate NY, Communities Have Experienced Decades Of Underinvestment And Lax Regulation Of Water Infrastructure, Especially When It Comes To Lead Contamination; New Senate Bill Will Tackle Lead Problem Head On
NYCHA Releases First Quarterly Report Outlining Progress on NextGeneration NYCHA, the Authority’s 10-Year Strategic...
Agenda Includes New Sustainability Standards and Incentives, Plans for Building Green Infrastructure, Enhanced Green Jobs Programs for Residents, Comprehensive Retrofits, and Solar Power Installations
NYS HCR & Tax Department Urge Eligible New Yorkers to Combine Their Tax Refunds...
Commissioners of Homes and Community Renewal and the Department of Taxation and Finance today alerted recipients of the Earned Income Tax Credit that they may be eligible for a NYS mortgage and down payment assistance program, which can help them realize the dream of homeownership.
Statement by A.G. Schneiderman on Announcement Today by the Federal Housing and Finance Agency...
Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman today issued the following statement on the Federal Housing And Finance Agency’s (FHA) decision regarding principal reduction for homeowners
NYS HCR & Tax Department Urge Eligible New Yorkers to Combine Their Tax Refunds...
Recipients of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) May Also Be Eligible for NYS’s First-Time Homebuyer Assistance. More than 1.5 Million New Yorkers Receiving the EITC are Income-Qualified for a SONYMA Mortgage and Down Payment Assistance Loan
NYS Homes And Community Renewal Announces Completion Of $45 Million Project To Upgrade And...
York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR) today announced the completion of an extensive upgrade and modernization program for Brighton Towers, a 600-unit, two-building Mitchell-Lama complex in the South Valley neighborhood of Syracuse, that will keep rents affordable to seniors and households of limited means for an additional 40 years. The $45 million acquisition and renovation of the property was largely financed through Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s New York State Homes and Community Renewal (HCR).
Governor Cuomo Announces Completion of US Customs Commercial Building at Peace Bridge Plaza
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced the completion of the $24 million U.S. Customs Commercial Building at the Peace Bridge. The newly expanded and renovated facility will significantly decrease traffic congestion and facilitate more efficient customs processing. The project is an important component of the Peace Bridge Understanding of 2013, which lays out a plan for taking concrete steps aimed at improving traffic flow on the American side of the bridge.
County Executive Mike Hein And The Ulster County Economic Development Alliance Set Next Building...
Quarterly Series For Business And Community Leaders Welcomes Bob Dandrew Of The Local Economies Project For A Talk On Farming And The New Economy: How “Local” Means Business For Ulster County. Building on the success of past quarterly breakfasts, Ulster County Executive Mike Hein is pleased to present Bob Dandrew of the Local Economies Project at the next “Building Ulster County Together” breakfast on Wednesday, April 27th at 8:00 AM at the Best Western in Kingston.
$2.6 million awarded for repairs to Island Park middle school, nearly $1.7 for repairs...
U.S. Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand and U.S. Representative Kathleen Rice announced today that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has awarded more than $2.65 million in federal grant funding to the Island Park School District and nearly $1.7 million to the City of Long Beach for repairs to damage caused by Superstorm Sandy. The Island Park School District will receive $2,654,312 for repairs to the Lincoln Orens Middle School, which sustained heavy flooding and extensive damage during Sandy
Reed Calls for Repowering of Cayuga, Greenidge and NRG Power Plants
Tom Reed renewed his push for reliable, affordable energy by calling for the repowering of the power plants in Lansing, Dresden and Dunkirk, New York. The move comes as the parent company of the Fitzpatrick nuclear power plant in Oswego County announced it would be closing the plant. The closure would result in a statewide electricity deficiency by 2019 according to a new report released by the New York State Independent Systems Operator.
Governor Cuomo Announces Start of Construction on Project to Transform Former School Into a...
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced construction is underway on the $24.4 million Niagara City Lofts project that will transform the former South Junior High School into a 61-unit mixed-income, mixed-use affordable housing development. Financing for the project has been secured through New York State Homes and Community Renewal and Empire State Development.
Musty and moldy smells are a daily hazard in 12,600 NYCHA households Analysis of 2014 Housing Vacancy Survey data shows peeling paint, mice, heating breakdowns at NYCHA vastly outpace all other types of housing
Governor Cuomo Announces $25 Million to Construct Supportive Housing Projects
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced more than $25 million has been awarded for seven supportive housing projects that will create 286 units of supportive housing for homeless and low-income New Yorkers, including veterans, adults recovering from substance abuse and those living with disabling mental health conditions.