New York, NY – May 5, 2015 – (RealEstateRama) — Congressman Tom Reed today voted in favor of protecting private property rights by supporting 2016 Energy and Water Development Related Agencies Appropriations Act. The bill passed the House with language preventing the Obama Administration from a power grab of private property relative to waterway regulation. “This bill is a victory for Americans from coast to coast and demonstrates that the House cares about protecting private property rights,” Reed said. “I will continue to work as Chair of the Private Property Rights Caucus to ensure that the rights of property owners are defended.”
The bill included funding for energy and water infrastructure investments, including an increase in funding to keep nuclear clean-up on schedule at the West Valley Demonstration Project in Cattaraugus County. “We continue making the push in Washington to care for public safety for our communities protect them from environmental hazards that will end up costing taxpayers more money the longer the cleanup process is dragged out,” Reed said. “West Valley deserves a fair level of support that gives taxpayers a tangible return on their investment and I am pleased that we got this included in the bill.”
Reed also noted that the bill includes investments in energy research consistent with his “all of the above” approach to energy. “We must reduce our dependence on Middle East crude,” he declared. “An all of the above approach toward developing and utilizing North American energy sources means lower utility costs for families and helps create manufacturing jobs in places like the Southern Tier and Finger Lakes. We can again become a manufacturing leader and make things here.”